MyA­ir­Shield – pro­tec­tion against viru­s­es, bac­te­ria and germs

Dr. Medi­men­tum
Acti­ve clea­ning of the air with MyA­ir­Shield MyA­ir­Shield is worn around the neck and increases […]

Chro­nic tin­ni­tus – high qua­li­ty of life despi­te rin­ging in the ears

Dr. Medi­men­tum
By Isa­bel Micha­el 07.02.2022, 18:35 Uhr, In the acu­te stage, nag­ging rin­ging in the […]

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the prac­ti­ce with

8He­alth-Manage­ment UG
How do I start as a doc­tor in the prac­ti­ce? Learn the most important basics […]

Ter­tia­ry pre­ven­ti­on: life­style in ova­ri­an can­cer. The Sur­vi­vor­ship Cli­nic concept

Cha­ri­té - Uni­ver­si­täts­me­di­zin - Kli­nik für Gynä­ko­lo­gie mit Zen­trum für onko­lo­gi­sche Chirugie
Ter­tia­ry pre­ven­ti­on focu­ses on res­to­ring health after ill­ness. The aim of ter­tia­ry pre­ven­ti­on (reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on) is […]

Sup­port­i­ve offers: What is it and why can it be hel­pful in onco­lo­gi­cal diseases?

Cha­ri­té - Uni­ver­si­täts­me­di­zin - Kli­nik für Gynä­ko­lo­gie mit Zen­trum für onko­lo­gi­sche Chirugie
Sup­port­i­ve offers for pati­ents and rela­ti­ves Gyneco­lo­gi­cal can­cer and its tre­at­ment rai­ses many ques­ti­ons and […]

Health liter­acy for pati­ents – the Cha­ri­té approach

Cha­ri­té - Uni­ver­si­täts­me­di­zin - Kli­nik für Gynä­ko­lo­gie mit Zen­trum für onko­lo­gi­sche Chirugie
Digi­tal health liter­acy in Ger­ma­ny The Ger­man health­ca­re sys­tem is in the midd­le of the […]

5 Self-Help Tips for Depres­si­on by HelloBetter

GET.ON Insti­tut für Online Gesund­heits­trai­nings GmbH
If you are suf­fe­ring from depres­si­on, it’s a big step to think about self-help. The […]

Drink less with HelloBetter

GET.ON Insti­tut für Online Gesund­heits­trai­nings GmbH
Hell­o­Bet­ter – mana­ge your own men­tal health and impro­ve your qua­li­ty of life – anywhere […]

Online cour­se to redu­ce panic with HelloBetter

GET.ON Insti­tut für Online Gesund­heits­trai­nings GmbH
Hell­o­Bet­ter – mana­ge your own men­tal health and impro­ve your qua­li­ty of life – anywhere […]

Online cour­se against acu­te depres­si­on with HelloBetter

GET.ON Insti­tut für Online Gesund­heits­trai­nings GmbH
Hell­o­Bet­ter – mana­ge your own men­tal health and impro­ve your qua­li­ty of life – anywhere […]

Vagi­nis­mus Plus for GPPPD, dys­pa­reu­nia and vagi­nis­mus with HelloBetter

GET.ON Insti­tut für Online Gesund­heits­trai­nings GmbH
Hell­o­Bet­ter – mana­ge your own men­tal health and impro­ve your qua­li­ty of life – anywhere […]

Online ‘Sleep’ cour­se against insom­nia with HelloBetter

GET.ON Insti­tut für Online Gesund­heits­trai­nings GmbH
Hell­o­Bet­ter – mana­ge your own men­tal health and impro­ve your qua­li­ty of life – anywhere […]