Pod­cast: medi­ci­ne and psy­che – does that even go together?

Cha­ri­té - Uni­ver­si­täts­me­di­zin - Kli­nik für Gynä­ko­lo­gie mit Zen­trum für onko­lo­gi­sche Chirugie
Weiss­Bunt Spon­ta­neous­ly, intui­tively, wit­hout a script, pure impro­vi­sa­ti­on! Authen­tic, honest, direct! That’s what Weiss­bunt stands […]

Tog­e­ther against Coro­na. #Imp­fen­schützt

Dr. Medi­men­tum
The Cha­ri­té is in the midd­le of the fourth wave of the pan­de­mic: The number […]

Cli­nic manage­ment brief­ly explained

8He­alth-Manage­ment UG
The Cli­nic Manage­ment Aca­de­my offers online trai­ning for mana­gers in hos­pi­tals. We spe­cia­li­ze in extra-occupational […]

Bet­ter decis­i­ons in stressful situa­tions – Chris­ti­an Macke | OPED podcast

OPED GmbH Inno­va­ti­ve Medi­zin­tech­nik – Made in Germany
► The OPED pod­cast Ope­ra­ti­on Immi­nent More infor­ma­ti­on at: https://oped.de/service/podcast Ope­ra­ti­on Immi­nent Ope­ra­ti­on Imminent – […]