Dr. med. Adak Pirm­o­ra­dy Sehouli 10 Jahre Erfahrung

Dr. med. Adak Pirm­o­ra­dy Seh­ouli MA is a spe­cia­list in psy­cho­so­ma­tic medi­ci­ne and psy­cho­the­ra­py and heads the psy­cho­so­ma­tic out­pa­ti­ent cli­nic on the Ben­ja­min Frank­lin cam­pus of the Cha­ri­té.

After stu­dy­ing medi­ci­ne, she began her cli­ni­cal work in gyneco­lo­gy at the renow­ned Cha­ri­té Ber­lin and recei­ved her doc­to­ra­te in 2014. 

With the chan­ge to the depart­ment of psy­cho­so­ma­tics, she com­ple­ted her psy­cho­ana­ly­tic trai­ning at the Ber­lin Insti­tu­te for Psy­cho­the­ra­py and Psy­cho­ana­ly­sis.

In 2018 she recei­ved her master’s degree in psy­cho­ana­ly­tic cul­tu­ral stu­dies from the Hum­boldt Uni­ver­si­ty in Ber­lin.

Tog­e­ther with Susan­ne Diehm and Jalid Seh­ouli, she foun­ded the Euro­pean Artists’ Guild for Medi­ci­ne and Cul­tu­re, in which she advo­ca­tes a holi­stic approach to medi­ci­ne and the need to net­work dif­fe­rent disciplines.


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