Depres­si­on Pre­ven­ti­on with HelloBetter

Hell­o­Bet­ter – mana­ge your own men­tal health and impro­ve your qua­li­ty of life – any­whe­re and at any time, with no wai­ting lists.

Pre­ven­ting depres­si­on: long-term well­be­ing with HelloBetter

Impro­ve your long-term well­be­ing with our Depres­si­on Pre­ven­ti­on cour­se. Over 6 weeks, you’ll learn stra­te­gies to pre­vent depres­si­on or coun­ter­act the first symptoms.

What to expect

Lea­ve the low mood behind and take the first step towards a brigh­ter future.

Packed with texts, vide­os, audio con­tent and inter­ac­ti­ve exer­ci­s­es, the cour­se is fun as well as effec­ti­ve. Through sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly vali­da­ted methods, you’ll learn how to:

  • noti­ce­ab­ly impro­ve your mood in a short amount of time
  • cope bet­ter with stress
  • break nega­ti­ve thought pat­terns and deal effec­tively with dif­fi­cult feelings
  • build ener­gi­sing acti­vi­ties into your ever­y­day routine
  • set and achie­ve goals
  • use pro­blem-sol­ving techniques

You’ll start to actively main­tain your well­be­ing by inclu­ding inter­ac­ti­ve exer­ci­s­es, an online mood dia­ry, and useful acti­vi­ties into your dai­ly rou­ti­ne. Exem­pla­ry cour­se par­ti­ci­pan­ts accom­pa­ny you on your way and you can fol­low their pro­gress through the dif­fe­rent cour­se units.

A qua­li­fied psy­cho­lo­gist or pscho­the­ra­pist will sup­port you throug­hout the enti­re cour­se by pro­vi­ding writ­ten feed­back after every com­ple­ted session.

HelloBetter’s “Depres­si­on Pre­ven­ti­on” is an inter­ac­ti­ve online cour­se made by real peo­p­le for real peo­p­le – for las­ting wellbeing.

This cour­se is sui­ta­ble for you if…

  • you’re worried about deve­lo­ping depression
  • you’re expe­ri­en­cing low mood or fee­lings of sad­ness and want to impro­ve your wellbeing
  • you often feel stres­sed and your worry­ing is having a nega­ti­ve impact on your ever­y­day life
  • you feel a lack of inte­rest and moti­va­ti­on and would like to get your spark back

Book your online-trai­ning now if you want to pre­vent depression.

direct­ly at HelloBetter:

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